Besuru Muzzle
The Besuru Muzzle, with included Viseme Blendshapes, and multiple installation Guides.
A new Besuru accessory, made to protect your monchable friends! Keep others safe from your biting tendencies while enjoying your precious time with them!
Unity based installation:
Find The muzzle model inside of the "Besu Muzzle" File
Click-Drag it to your avatar, it should scale itself appropriately.
Click-Drag it to the head, to lock it to head movement.
It is now working as an installed Accessory!
Making it work:
Locking The Visemes.
Make Yourself a toggle, or a dedicated layer in your FX Animation Controller.
On the "on" state of your muzzle, click "add Behaviour" and select "VRCAnimator TrackingControl"
Then, Check The "Animation" Box, in the Mouth & Jaw row.
That should now Lock Your Visemes whenever this state is running.
To unlock your visemes, if using a toggle, the "off" state should have the same behaviour, but with the "Tracking" box checked instead.
Making It Work with the VRC Visemes, Unity-Based.
Install it, as per the earlier mentioned "Base Installation"
Then, to add The animations required, find your "FX" Controller, and open it.
Add Two New Parameters: "Viseme" as an Int, and "Voice" as a float. [Important to spell it exactly the same, capitalization included.]
Make a new Layer, named to your preference, in this case, i've named it "muzzle Blendshapes"
Up it's weight to 1
Now, Go inside the Besu muzzle Files, and select, under the animations folder, The "Muzzle Blendshapes" Controller.
Select everything in the animation layer that pops up, and press CTRL-C
Return To your FX Animator, Click inside, and Simply Press CTRL-V
This should now make the muzzle move with your Visemes!
That's It for the unity-Based installations!
Now, For Blender-based.
Blender Based installation (Mesh-Merging)
[Fair warning: this prevents the use of a "mesh-based" toggle, which is the common way to make an item dissapear. It might also break your project, So i recommend only doing it if you're comfortable/used to avatar making.]
- import both The Besuru and the muzzle model inside of Blender.
- Hold shift, then click the muzzle, Followed by the body mesh of the Besuru.
- press "Ctrl-J"
- The meshes are now joined, they should have been automatically made to follow the head, and have their visemes merged together!
- Re-setup The avatar, more than likely.
A Besuru-Fitting Muzzle FBX, with the Original Blender file, and the substance Painter Project to customise to your liking!
Contains Every original file, Including the "making of" Blender Project!
Has speaking visemes, and a premade animation Controller including the animation setup to make it match your visemes (Imprecisely)
Multiple ways to install, all with different Pros and cons!
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